August 25, 2021

Dear Pageant People –

I was fortunate enough to grow up in Orange County and have parents that thought it was important to expose their children to various forms of art and music, which included attendance at the Pageant of the Masters over the course of several years. One summer when the 4 of us were teenagers we even explored the opportunity of becoming cast members. My eldest brother was selected and gratefully served as “The Ministering Angel” (as I recall). My family loved the Pageant!

The years have passed and most of my family members are gone now, but my love for your Festival lives on. My husband and I relocated to Texas a few years back and were blessed to make a visit to Orange County again just a couple of weeks ago. I insisted that the Pageant be included on our list of “must dos” over the course of our brief visit. We attended on Sunday, August 8th.

So excited that this year’s theme was “Made in America”! In our most turbulent times, the Pageant chose a timely theme and even had the audience rise to honor our nation’s national anthem!! What an amazing blessing that was to hear people sing that song and applaud its playing – I am so very proud to be an America! And couldn’t be more proud of my California upbringing and the Pageant of the Masters!

Times have changed dramatically, and not all for the good. It’s easy to make the choice to “follow the crowd”, but in this case you made the harder choice of “doing what’s right”. I commend you for giving us all something to feel good about when that list is getting shorter every day. America has never been a “perfect union”, but our founding documents hold the promise of a “more perfect union”. That’s all anyone can hope for! You made a special night “more” special by choosing the better part and doing something that in today’s world is pretty gutsy. I applaud you for taking the higher road.

May God bless America with the continuance of the beauty and light you bring to your small corner of the world. You made 2021 a better year for me and those who were fortunate enough and astute enough to attend your production.

Thank you so much,
Mindy Lorenzen