ChangingHomesPart One: Getting ready for a video shoot.

Part of the Pageant Director’s job is planning for the video shoots that we produce backstage.

IMG_1448This year we were inspired to create a video sequence by a victorian era painting of a young bride on her wedding day. The painting is called “Changing Homes” and will be our “Builder” – it will be the set that we put together in front of the audience.

The video begins with a real vintage photo album that I acquired on eBay. The photo album was pretty faded so I had to repaint the gold lettering. The red velvet is all but worn off the album, but inside there are beautifully colored paper photo frames printed with garlands of flowers.

You’ll get to see those next time! Right now scenic painter Matthew Roberts is busy stenciling the “wallpaper” for our interior. We are waiting for moldings to be installed.

Meanwhile, I have purchased some other furnishings for the video set from and I almost always contribute antique furniture or pictures of my own to the set decoration.

Stay tuned for more insider details on this special Pageant project!